06 January 2011

O-Porto : photos

30 November 2010

O-Porto : news

Z-A-interaction unexpectadly arrives to Porto, hosted by architecture students and tutors from the Londonmet. A group of local connoisseurs will address the reciprocal relationship between British and local culture. A series of short presentations will show fragments of what make Porto a traditional contemporary city. Or should we say a contemporary traditional city?

Speakers include Mr Rui Moreira:
Ola Paulo
sim a H. falou comigo, pode contar com a minha presença. Falarei em ingles e cerca de 10 minutos, sobre o FC Porto.
de forma informal, como sugere.

13 November 2010

O-porto : flyer

O-porto : info


Q-idnap : summary

Q-idnap : tak

Gracias Eike, Iván, Mirko y Nico.

Q-idnap : text

A group of friends living in Barcelona, Berlin and London, met in Copenhagen aiming to see the “the little mermaid”, the symbol of the city. But they didn’t. She was on her way home, after sitting in the Danish Pavillion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai, since April. They missed her for a couple of weeks. The group missed Ai Wei Wei’s replacement video installation, too, a direct transmission of the mermaid from the Danish Pavillion, dismantled a few days before the trip. To make things worse, one of the members lost his passport and another got ill. This could have become an epic failure, if the arrival night wasn’t coincidental with the launch of a Christmas beer, free in Christiania and across the city, from 20h59m.

Q-idnap : photos

Q-idnap : flyer

by Nicolás Perfumo

Q-idnap : info


R-location : summary

R-location : obrigado!

Long list... as long as the way from London to Tchavola. At the institutional level, I thank LMU, DW and ACC. At the personal level: obrigado C., C., F. e P.P. pela companhia e parabéns pela coragem. Estamos juntos.

R-location : text

Lubango is the capital of Huíla, a Southern province of Angola. In March 2010, the local government started a mega house demolition process, that has pushed over 5,000 families to non-urbanized territories outside the city, in just about 6 months.

In August 2010, a resident’s commission requested material support for house construction, but instead the authorities imposed a scheme for which each family has to pay 2.400 Kz (approximately US$25). Unhappy for not being consulted during the design process, the residents took the initiative to adapt the scheme to their basic needs.

We met under a baobab, in Tchavola, and started a participatory design workshop. On the second day, however, our activity was interrupted by the police. We were taken to the local station to explain the nature of our activity. The meeting had to be suspended.

R-location : photos

R-location : info


13 July 2010

P-Public: summary

P-Public : photos

22 February 2010

P-Public : news - CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS - until 7th April 2010

In collaboration with the Architects Association of Chania, we are organizing a “interaction” in Chania, Crete, on the 19th and 20th of June 2010, hosted by K.A.M. - Center of Mediterranean Architecture.
Since 1997, this institution has given the opportunity to emerging and established architects to undertake a fertile dialogue on subjects related to space-making, both at local and wide Mediterranean levels. K.A.M. is located in the heart of Chania, a city bearing a long history and a rich culture, being a crossroad between the East and the West for many centuries.
P-public will take place in the historical Arsenali, a building embedded within the old city, representative of its architecture and cultural heritage.
The programme will include public talks and presentations by individuals or teams of anyone who has creative ideas and interest to change public space, such as architects, urban planners, designers, artists, landscape architects, public space activists, engineers, gardeners,...
We would like to invite you to “interact” with us and join P-public on the weekend of the19th and 20th of June 2010, celebrating the arrival of the summer in Crete.
You are welcome to make a short presentation of your work. Just express your interest and let us know by email (including links, images or a summary explaining your project) - UNTIL 7th of April 2010.

Please contact: info@p-public.gr
Contact person: Ioli Georgila

There are no fees for joining the meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you in Crete!

P-Public : flyer

by Ioli Giorgila and Giorgios Kalligeris

P-Public : info

100619/20 Centre of Mediterranean Architecture CRETE GREECE

30 October 2009

s-port : summary

S-port : danke

I would like to thank Salome and Tobi for all the help, support and friendship! You made this possible:) I thank Camilo, Cláudio and all the Swissport'09 participants for contributing to such a cool evening and such a nice 'interaction' between Swiss and Portuguese architects (no matter where they were coming from)... I thank the staff of the Carambolage for all the enthusiasm and easy-goingness... That is the spirit we like to find in our venues! Thank you Dulcineia for hosting a great weekend in Basel and the sponsors Diogo and Pedro for being there, once again...

S-port : text

Some episodes of this alphabetical series had been stimulated by external happenings –the first meeting at the Kunsthaus Bregenz, for example, was triggered by Zumthor’s exhibition.
This time, as I was collaborating with the Swissport’09, I proposed to the organizers, Camilo Rebelo and Cláudio Reis, to include Z-A-interaction in the extensive list of side-events related to the workshop, an idea they kindly accepted.
After two weeks of work in Porto and Lausanne between students from FAUP and EPFL – as well as a large number of visits, lectures, etc – the last day consisted on a study trip to the city of Basel and some of its most representative contemporary architecture.
The Swissport’09 was as successful as tiring, so we had to be careful about how to make an interesting and weighted closure without being too much pretentious and prescriptive.
In collaboration with local organizers Salome Rätz and Tobias Jäggli, it was suggested a kind of dinner-event where people could sit and talk, enjoy and relax after a long day that culminated long weeks of conviviality.
We contacted Carambolage, a small arty bar in Kleinbasel with the casual and cozy atmosphere we were looking for. We ordered dinner from two neighboring restaurants, an inconsistent menu of thai food and pizza. The Portuguese beer Super Bock was sold out.
The largest wall on the room was used for projecting videos and photos taken during the Swissport’09. With a certain dose of improvisation, the group was invited to bring their camera’s memory sticks and show what they had captured in Portugal and Switzerland: the workshop and the lectures, the buildings and the sea, the restaurants, the groups and the smiling faces, and so on.
In the S-port we experienced a new format of ‘casual meeting’ and we were happy with it. It showed that there is no ‘receipt’ for making these events interesting, a true ‘interaction’ between ‘international creative people’.
Unfortunately, as it starts to be common as well – remember the t-shirts episode in Lisbon? - something went wrong: I lost my digital camera on that night, probably in the house party we went after the Carambolage. With it, I lost all the photos and videos from the S-port. The only documentation I kept from the dinner-event was a small paper with everybody’s names (I was writing them down as people was paying for their dinner, just for keeping the situation under control :). I was surprised that no one else took photos, which tells a lot about how ‘busy’ everyone was, over the evening… this makes us happy!

Paulo Moreira

14 July 2009

S-port : news

We are pleased to announce the 8th 'interaction', taking place in Basel, Switzerland, on Saturday the 3rd of October 2009, from 19h to midnight.
The event is being co-organized by local hosts Salome Rätz and Tobias Jäggli. The venue is Carambolage in Kleinbasel - bar, kunst&kultur, spielen&lesen, trinken&geniessen. Please check this link for directions.
The S-port will be simultaneously the closing party of Swissport 2009, whom we are delighted to collaborate with. As a matter of fact, we took advantage of the coincidence of this being the 'S' event, to name it 'S-port'. The concept, results, stories and gossip of the intense weeks of conviviality between Portuguese and Swiss architects will be presented during this meeting, with the usual casual atmosphere. Please feel free to join and bring your friends.

S-port : flyer

by Salome Rätz and Tobias Jäggli

S-port : info


T-tempo : sumário

T-tempo : obrigado

Não sei por onde começar os agradecimentos. Este encontro fez parte de uma viagem inesquecível, resultante de um processo complicado que envolveu a Londonmet, o British Museum e o American Institute of Architects. Envolveu também uma história pessoal e relações familiares entre Portugal e Moçambique. É tão complicado que nem sei por onde começar os agradecimentos. Talvez possa resumir com um grande obrigado ao Kester e ao Jorge por se terem empenhado em partilhar uma tarde agradável de Sábado.

T-tempo : texto

Nas últimas semanas, o espaço do Movimento de Arte Contemporânea de Moçambique - MUVART recebeu artistas, curadores, arquitectos, professores, amigos apaixonados pela arte contemporânea, para trocar ideias, experiências e, acima de tudo, debater a arte que se faz no mundo, a partir da produção artística do MUVART e do que se faz em Moçambique.

Estes encontros são muito importantes para estimular a reflexão sobre a arte ao nível da teorização e da produção. Permitem encontrar pares, aqui e em outras geografias culturais, adquirir o hábito de olhar para nós e aprender com o outro. É um exercício contínuo que o MUVART vem realizando desde a sua criação. Desde há algum tempo resolvemos ampliar o leque de intervenientes. No início éramos só nós: artistas membros do grupo. Desta vez os intervenientes foram Paulo Moreira – arquitecto português que está a fazer o mestrado em arquitectura em Londres – e Pedro Alberto que está a fazer a licenciatura em sociologia em Maputo na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. A conversa demorou horas.

Temos como ponto de partida para estes encontros a consciência de que existem diferentes formas de compreensão relativamente à arte africana e ao seu papel como reflexo da história dos povos colonizados e colonizadores. Da dualidade do Ocidente e da África. Da necessidade de darmos uma contribuição num mundo cada vez mais globalizado, onde se perdem os valores locais em detrimento dos valores globais.

A conversa com Paulo Moreira estava longe destes pontos de vista. Paulo Moreira, através de um projecto de pesquisa arquitectónico, faz uma ponte entre o presente e o passado. Veio a Moçambique para pesquisar sobre uma escola primária localizada na cidade de Xai-Xai na província de Gaza. Foi construída pelos seus avós nos anos 60 do século passado. Esta escola para além de ser o ponto de encontro das experiências dos seus avós em Moçambique é também um elo de ligação entre diferentes realidades geográficas. Permite obter respostas para problemas que se levantam a partir de experiências individuais e permite perceber as relações arquitectónicas de diferentes momentos e as suas possibilidades.

O trabalho do Pedro Alberto encontra-se num processo de construção. É um projecto que iniciou há três anos e que consiste na elaboração de postais feitos a partir de diversos materiais. Pedro Alberto elaborou e apresentou até ao momento mais de 300 postais. Nestas apresentações muitas interrogações ficaram sem resposta. Como apresentar o que faz? Que caminho seguir? Transformar estes postais em objectos efémeros? Torná-los documentos da sua experiência? Os postais referem-se a memórias da sua infância e a experiências da sua adolescência, trazem referências culturais, sociais e políticas; traduzem um compromisso político. Negoceiam as diferenças e cedem em momentos críticos.

Uma das qualidades do trabalho artístico é a possibilidade de ser/estar “em aberto”, poder ganhar vida própria. Isto é, permitir diferentes interpretações, ser entendido em diferentes contextos culturais, permitir desdobramentos de formas e conceitos, ser capaz de se alimentar por si e de alimentar outras formas plásticas.

As duas apresentações têm em comum o tempo e a memória. A experiência do outro e a nossa experiência. Tanto a de Paulo Moreira, que vai ao encontro do tempo e do espaço perdidos, revivendo momentos através da visita ao lugar deixado pelos seus avós, como a de Pedro Alberto, que através de colagens e assemblagem constrói universos, onde as suas referências, que vêm do contacto visual de uma sociedade pré-digital e do imaginário construído durante a sua infância e adolescência, possibilitam a construção de novos valores e a reconstituição de factos baseados em diferentes formas de construção da realidade.

Jorge Dias
Curador do Museu Nacional de Arte

13 June 2009

T-tempo : video

11 June 2009

T-tempo : photos

T-tempo : flyer

by Paulo Moreira

01 June 2009

T-tempo : info


09 December 2008

U-hangover : summary

U-hangover : danke

I thank Ricardo and Nuno for inviting me to ECB's xmas party! It was a great excuse for taking Z-A to Frankfurt! Following the original idea from Nina and Lisa - several months ago - finally there was a good timing for travelling to Germany... Even if everybody was very busy at this point, Ricardo took control of the situation and contacted Club Voltaire - thank you for making it possible! The staff was very nice and very professional. I thank Lisa for being a great host, Diogo for the collage and Pico for overviewing the text. I send a big thanks to all of those who made part of a very nice xmas-mood-weekend in Frankfurt.

U-hangover : text

This event followed the European Central Bank's Christmas Party . The party was a success but it had – as predicted – a terrible effect on everybody's 'day after'. The U-hangover took place in the charismatic Club Voltaire, self-described as a 'politik kultur kneipe' – exactly what we were looking for! After the initial 'interaction' (Z-connection), there were significantly numerous audiences listening to the presentations given by the speakers we'd invited. We were quite happy to return to the strategy of the very first event, in which everybody present was encouraged to participate – we're not interested in always following the same concept.

A small number of people showed up to literally share their 'hangover' - something not supposedly done in public.

The nature of the space – something between an high-school classroom and a small library - helped sustain a friendly atmosphere in which people discussed random themes, put to the table with the support of virtual communication devices that helped make thoughts visible. It wouldn't be an easy task to describe everybody's contribution - and isn't at all necessary, in any case. We shared information and heard points of view from architectural, political, economic perspectives. Whilst most of us were drinking tea, music was played, videos shown and we saw presentations of on-going academic and professional projects (some of them quite 'secret'). We learned about the changes that Frankfurt is going through, and tried to understand how the current economic situation is affecting everybody's lives. As someone said, the 'hangover hasn't even started yet'.

Participants were born in Germany, Portugal, Greece, Italy and France and are currently living in Frankfurt, Berlin, London and Porto. Here is the list:

Arthur Saint-Guilhem
Diogo Matos
Giuseppe Mosele
Ioli-Georgia Georgila
Katerina Dimopoulou
Lisa Romswinkel
Michele Modugno
Nina Lampe
Nuno Queirós Faria
Paulo Moreira
Pedro Borges de Araújo
Ricardo Pereira
Silvia Margiocco

Paulo Moreira, Ricardo Pereira

U-hangover : video

08 December 2008

U-hangover : photos

27 November 2008

U-hangover : news

We will meet in Frankfurt, the city of transport, trade fairs and banks, at the Club Voltaire - politik kultur kneipe. The event starts at 18h00m on Saturday the 6th of December 2008. The bar will be opened.

How is the current situation of international economic crisis affecting life in the home of the European Central Bank, where the monetary policy for the eurozone is defined? The meeting takes place in the day after the Christmas Party organized by ECB employees and we will discuss about this and other more interesting subjects. You are welcome to join and share your hangover with us.

(The image shows 'Casa em Seixas' by Diogo Matos.)

U-hangover : flyer

by Paulo Moreira

U-hangover : info


21 July 2008

V-roots : sumário

V-roots : obrigado

Agradeço ao Miguel por desafiar-me a trazer pela primeira vez o Z-A a Portugal. Agradeço ao Bacalhoeiro pela abertura e hospitalidade com que receberam o evento. Agredeço aos participantes e a todos os que estiveram presentes, especialmente àqueles que contribuiram com 43,37€ para amortizar o prejuizo que tive por causa do roubo das t-shirts 'ZA loves I' (500€) - as t-shirts iriam ajudar a financiar este projecto, que é 100% independente, mas entretanto foram roubadas no dia anterior ao evento. Agradeço de novo ao Miguel e também aos DJ's Pedro + Diogo (TRAQ3) e Batis + Pente (Waste Youth), que contribuiram com a totalidade do cachet para a mesma causa. Foi pena a festa não ter continuado como gostaríamos após as apresentações, mereciam igual assistência!

V-roots : texto

O “V roots” aconteceu na noite de Sábado, dia 19 de Julho de 2008, no Bacalhoeiro, em Lisboa. Como manda a tradição, o evento começou atrasado e com alguns problemas e contratempos: um jantar que o bacalhoeiro entretanto tinha combinado para a mesma hora sem nos avisar antes (acabaram por se mudar para outra sala…), os microfones que deixaram todos de funcionar no momento em que as apresentações começaram (falou tudo ao “natural”, à antiga…), os problemas com o projector de imagem e som (os vídeos tiveram que ficar para a segunda parte, já com o problema resolvido…). Mas como também manda a tradição, tudo se resolveu e acabou por correr bem.
Houve uma grande diversidade de temas abordados nas várias apresentações. A abrir este “interaction”, Paulo Moreira começou por explicar como surgiu a ideia de fazer estes encontros, mostrou algumas imagens e curiosidades dos eventos passados de Bregenz, Barcelona, Londres e Madrid. Uma agradável surpresa foram as apresentações que se concentraram em retratar questões do foro sociológico e político, demonstrando uma consciencialização de problemas actuais como: o ordenamento do território (Ateliermob); o conflito israelo-palestiniano (Nuno Coelho); os choques culturais na metrópole de Paris (Andreia Florentino e Anthony Rougier); uma reflexão sobre história, arquitectura e sociedade (Atelier Base). Através da plataforma “myspace”, Mariana Tengner Barros explorou as potencialidades do mundo virtual. O arquitecto Pedro Campos Costa mostrou parte do seu percurso paralelo como actor. Também houve apresentações de projectos/obras na área da arquitectura, nomeadamente: uma casa no Algarve (Nuno Rodrigues); a sede do parque natural da Ilha do Fogo em Cabo Verde (Oto); um centro escolar numa aldeia perto de Aveiro (Miguel Marcelino); uma pizzaria em Barcelona e lofts em Milão (Lola); um projecto de iluminação para uma galeria em Estocolmo (Mafalda Rangel).
O balanço geral do “V roots” é bastante positivo. No total estiveram cerca de 70 pessoas neste “interaction” o que lhe reforça a atmosfera informal, quase “familiar”, que tem caracterizado este tipo de encontros. Para terminar, queria agradecer a todos os oradores pelas suas apresentações que foram de uma grande diversidade e interesse, a todas as pessoas que vieram assistir e conviver nesta bela noite de Verão, ao staff do bar do Bacalhoeiro por não deixar ninguém ficar com sede e, para terminar, agradecer ao Paulo Moreira pelo esforço e dedicação com que tem organizado estes encontros. Foi um prazer co-organizar este “V roots” em Lisboa. Que venham muitos mais “interactions”!

Miguel Marcelino

V-roots : video

V-roots : photos

19 June 2008

V roots - notícias

É com grande satisfação que escrevemos pela primeira vez em português neste blog.V roots decorrerá no Sábado 19 de Julho no Bacalhoeiro em Lisboa, a partir das 21h30m.

Os participantes serão:
Andreia Florentino e Anthony Rougier , ilustradora/professor, Paris
Ateliermob, arquitectos, Lisboa
Atelier Base, arquitectos, Lisboa
Mafalda Rangel, arquitecta/lighting designer, Estocolmo
Mariana Tengner Barros, bailarina/performer/coreógrafa, Lisboa
Miguel Marcelino, arquitecto, Lisboa
Nuno Coelho, designer, Porto
Nuno Rodrigues, arquitecto, Lisboa
Lola, arquitectos, Barcelona
Oto, arquitectos, Lisboa
Paulo Moreira, arquitecto, Porto
Pedro Campos Costa, arquitecto, Lisboa

Haverá actuações dos djs:
Waste Youth

P.S. A imagem refere-se ao projecto 'Uma Terra Sem Gente, Para Gente Sem Terra', tema da apresentação de Nuno Coelho.

18 June 2008

V roots - flyer

by Miguel Marcelino

V roots - info

080719 BACALHOEIRO LISBOA PORTUGAL - das 21h30m às 3h00m

W files - summary

W files - gracias

Gracias a Key y Ali por todo... Enhorabuena por el suceso de SB! Gracias a tod@s l@s que ayudaran en la preparación y desarollo del evento... Gracias a tod@s que veniran a compartir su trabajo y a l@s que presenciaran... Ha sido una experiencia muy intensa sentir un poco de lo que es la generación creativa de Madrid. Thank you to the 'Berlin group' for sharing your projects with us, I'm sure we'll meet sooner than you expect:)

17 June 2008

W files - text

The W-files took place on Saturday 14th June 2008, the first sunny day in Madrid after a month of intense rain. The location was Studio Banana (www.studiobanana.org), a multidisciplinary creativity platform created by Key Portilla-Kawamura and Ali Ganjavian (kawamura-ganjavian), long-time friends of Paulo.
The presentations were divided into two blocks. Benedikt Partenheimer, a photographer from Berlin, showed us his series Turnaround and Falling in which he challenges the conventions of portraiture, and the series Point of View, depicting staged bizarre situations. The Colombian architects Husos (Diego Barajas and Camilo García) presented a few projects located in their country, amongst them the intriguing piece-meal construction of the Hospice-Garden for butterflies in Cali. German architect Anna Partenheimer, whose office is in Berlin, shared an array of projects under different categories like Houses (intervention in a farm house in Tuscany), Interiors (several projects in Berlin), Objects (Furniture) and Colours(photographic project in the streets of Oaxaca, Mexico). Miguel Olivares, director of the publicity agency La Despensa showed with a twist of humour several of their campaigns where politics, mass media, advertising and communication mix seamlessly (yosoydelosreyesmagos, jorgejuanalcalde).
After the pause, Tavo Ponce mesmerized the audience with his rhythmic hypnotic motion graphics for several companies (MTv, MADinSpain, SerialCut). The young collective Zoohaus, composed by architects, engineers, mathematicians and other people, explained the complex network they have created to enable long-distance internet-based project collaborations. Ciro, from mmmm... showed us several of their engaging projects which they have developed over the years (telemadre, Amazonas virus, Kiss invasion, Action in a Skip). Finally, Anne Bürger, a German film director, presented the trailer of her recent documentary Mambo and the first footage of a Europe-wide long-feature movie she is filming about the young creative breed.
After the presentations Ramiro Losada invited all participants and guests to participate in an improvised brunch at the pimped-up Moquetas23, an abandoned building that he tuned up together with the students of the Self Design master course. At 18:00 Studio Banana projected live the high-profile high-pressure football game Spain-Sweden, which Spain won thanks to a goal in the very last minute of the match.

Key Portilla-Kawamura and Ali Ganjavian

W files - video

16 June 2008

W files - photos